Galapagos was on bucket lists of us both for long time. You do not come here by accident. We will not tell you story how we saved our whole life to get here because that is not true. Kasia as master of finding loophole was searching how to see more for less. Of course you need have some budget for that kind of trip, but it is doable without chest of gold. There is plenty options how to do it cheaper. Few years ago probably we wouldn't even say this beacause of fear that tourists will flood the place . However after 5 weeks there you can notice how badly Galapagos needs tourist traffic. Covid bit the locals in the ass and put a strain on them.
What about wildlife? Well, this is place where you can feel that animals are ruling around, we are just guests :)
Few pictures for good start, in next post few informations about how to plan journey to Galapagos